“If you struggle faith can fix it! So don’t turn to the problem, turn to your faith!” - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: 123024MonPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"When real faith is on assignment there will always be a counter attack from the enemy; but persistent faith doesn’t give up, no matter what it faces!" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 122924_SunPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

“There is no victory without a fight and there is no fight you can’t win by faith.” - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 122924_SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

“The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers our lives, but our obedience to the Word of God is what determines the flow of His power.” - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 122224_SunAM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

"Faith allows me to always remain superior to the storm." - Dr. Hattbaugh 

Direct download: ContendingForTheFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Direct download: 121524SunAM_Master2.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"Serving in the ministry of helps is not simply a natural position, but a supernatural supply within the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: ServingInTheMinistryOfHelps.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"The fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives begins with how we value serving in the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 120824SunPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"There is an anointing for all of us to step into, that God will flow through, when we come prepared to serve in the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 120824SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"Prayer is more than a time of requests. It is a state of fellowship that we can remain in, with the Father, throughout the entire day." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FellowshippingInPrayer.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"Knowing how to pray starts with my fellowship with God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 12124SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:30pm EST





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