"Champions are willing to do what others won't do." - Rev. Stephanie Hattabaugh

Direct download: 122921_TrainingLikeAChampion.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:23pm EST

Direct download: 122221_ThePurposeOfChristmas.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

"I am the object of the Holy Spirit's love and affection."

Direct download: MyRelationshipWithTheHolySpirit.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:02pm EST

"The worship of your life is not a song you sing but a life you live."

Direct download: GrieveNotTheHolySpiritPartII_121221.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:52pm EST

"Our usefulness depends on how well we listen."

Direct download: FollowingTheHolySpirit.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

"You shut the power of God down when you grieve the Holy Spirit" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: GrieveNotTheHolySpirit_120521.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:11pm EST

“The Holy Sprit convicts you in righteousness, not through sin.” - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: PODCAST_AUDIO_112121AM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

"Have you even involved God in your decision-making?" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: PODCAST_AUDIO_111421.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:12am EST

"We need to become more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us."

Direct download: TheHolySpiritIsMyHelper.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:52pm EST

"Every time you come to church you are in a counseling session." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: HolySpiritIsOurCouncelor.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:21pm EST

"The Word is a powerful force of comfort."

Direct download: TheHolySpiritComfortsUs.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:41pm EST

"God doesn't lead you through a person, but He can use a man to speak through." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: HolySpiritSpeaksToUs_103121PM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:25pm EST

"If you choose to violate God's Word then you violate His will." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheHolySpiritLeadsUsWithHisWord_103121AM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

"Your mind and feelings will always be influenced by reason and circumstances, but your spirit is led by God."

Direct download: HowTheHolySpiritLeadsPartII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

"Every child of God has a covenant right to be led by the Holy Spirit."- Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: HowTheHolySpiritLeads_102421AM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

"Nobody knows my future better than the Holy Ghost." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: HolySpiritMyTourGuide.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

"The most important person in the planet is the Holy Spirit." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: WhoTheHolySpiritIs_101721AM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

"I need my faith more than I need to give my opinion."

Direct download: StrengthenYourFaithPartII_1.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

Direct download: 101021AM_FaithPrepares_PastorAngie.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

"The condition of your faith will determine the flow of God in your life."

Direct download: StrengthenYourFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:11pm EST

Direct download: PlantingYourShield.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:01pm EST

"Trials reveal the quality of your faith."

Direct download: HowToStandInFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

Direct download: FacingDeathByFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:38pm EST

"My faith is what is on trial." - Dr. Hattabugh

Direct download: PreparingYourFaith_092621.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

"God is the carrier of your care, not you!"

Direct download: FaithIsTheVictoryIII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:56pm EST

"What you are receiving and walking in today is according to your faith." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FaithIsTheVictoryPart2_091921.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:26pm EST

"If faith can conquer the world, it can conquer your issue." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheVictoryOfFaith_091921.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

"We cannot live by our feelings or it will dwarf our faith." - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: 091521PM_FaithForTheFight.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"Jesus didn't run from the storm. He was the master of it." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: GetOutOfTheBoat.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:57pm EST

"Praise is a spiritual response to the devil's plan." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 090821_ThePraiseCure.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:39pm EST

"If you don't work on your mind, you aren't working on your life." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 090521_ChangingYourLife.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

"We are renewing our mind to who we are in Him." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 082921_AcknowlegdingWhatsInYou.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

"We are to renew our mind to what is already in us."

Direct download: AnUnrenewedMindHindersUs.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:56pm EST

"The key to living in God's high place is learning to take the low place." - Rev. Joel Siegel

Direct download: HeartIssues.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:15pm EST

"You can't reach for God's best with the same mindset."

Direct download: ReachingRequiresKnowledge.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:11pm EST

"You don't need more faith, you need to feed your faith MORE." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FeedingYourFaith_081521AM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

"Living by faith stirs you to reach for what's in God's mind." - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: LivingByFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

"We have to be big enough on the inside for where we are going." -Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: ReachingBeyond_080821PM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:57pm EST

"When you work on your faith, you're really working on your future." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 080821_ReachingByFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

"He can't be something to you that you don't confess."

Direct download: LivingInGodsBest.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

"The good life is manifesting His Word to the world." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheGoodLife_080121.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

"Reaching for God's best is to reach to obey God's Word fully."

Direct download: AligningYourLifeWithGodsWord.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

"Reaching for God's best is reaching for more of Him." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: WhatIsGodsBest_071821.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

"God wants you to be dissatisfied with where you're at because there is more." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 071121_ReachingFroGodsBest.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

"You don't have to put up with someone you have authority over."

Direct download: ExercisingYourAuthority.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

"There is nothing for the Holy Spirit to work on until words are released." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: AuthorityOurWords.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

"Joy is how we triumph in our trials."

Direct download: CountItAllJoy.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

"The primary purpose of prayer is to know God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheFoundationOfPrayer.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:22pm EST

"Patience means in the trial my confession stays the same." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FaithAndYourConfession.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

"The work of faith is between the time you pray until the time it manifests." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 062021AM_TheWorkOfFaithPartII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:15pm EST

"The work of faith is to control confession." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheWorkOfFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

"God works with your faith. What are you offering Him to work with?"

Direct download: FaithForTheNextPhase.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:46pm EST

"The battles you got victory over become the fuel for your praise." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 060821PM_Remember.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:15pm EST

"No storm has the power to defeat you unless you elevate what you see and feel over the Word." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: WhereIsYourAttention.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

"Doubt in the mouth deposits doubt in the heart."

Direct download: HowDoubtGetsIn.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"The distraction of faith is in the mental arena." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FaithIsOfTheHeart.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

"Confession becomes the delivery system of power."

Direct download: IsYourVesselFull.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:46pm EST

"In moments of pressure, you can make great spiritual progress." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 052321PM_MaintainingARightConfession.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

"Righteousness is the distinguishing mark of man." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 052321_WhyMyWordsHavePower.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:59pm EST

"In the moment of doubt and difficulty, are you skillful?"

Direct download: BeingSkillfulWithYourWords.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

"Begin to say what you want to happen in the situation where it isn't happening." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 051621_HowYourWordsImpactYourLife.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

"You can't have strong faith with a weak confession."

Direct download: WatchYourMouth.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:12pm EST

"Anything that takes away from my faithfulness to God is my enemy."

Direct download: FaithfulToThePlan.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:46pm EST

"You'll go as far as your obedience will allow you." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: HonoringGodAndHisWord.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:19pm EST

"No servant of the Lord is to be idle." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: ProvenFaithful.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

"Obedience is faithfulness."

Direct download: FaithfulnessIsDoingThingsGodsWay.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:58pm EST

"The faithful are favored" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FaithFaithfulness.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

"God expects a return on what He put in me."

Direct download: TheWayToDivinePromotion.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:59pm EST

"Being faithful in the small things unlocks the next assignment." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 041921AM_BeingFaithful.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

"Judging yourself always involves a declaration."

Direct download: JudgeYourself.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

"The anointing specializes in destroying burdens and yokes." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: BenefitsPastoralAnointing.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

Direct download: ThePlaceYourFaithCanGrow.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

Direct download: 031921PM_LadiesMeeting.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

"The cross is the basis for God's total provision for every believer." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 040421AM_WhatTheBloodProvides.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

"When we are gathered together, it is a meeting place of the Lord and you don't want to miss your visitation."

Direct download: ThingsThatSeparateNotForsakingTheAssembly.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

"God is not interested in sharing first place." 

Direct download: ThingsThatSeperateKeepingGodFirst.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

"The bait the enemy uses to ensnare God's people is being offended." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 032121AM_ThingsThatSeparate.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

"Don't allow someone else's offenses become your separation."

Direct download: SubmittingToYourShepherd.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

"Praise will get you everywhere. Praise will get you everything." - Dr. Jerry Savelle 

Direct download: FavorOfGod.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

"Don't let go of your dreams." - Dr. Jerry Savelle

Direct download: UnprecedentedGoodness.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:35pm EST

"Just because you're a member of the church doesn't mean you're being pastored."

Direct download: BeingPastored.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:57pm EST

Direct download: AngelsTheUnseenWorld.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:33pm EST

"The devil is a bluffer." - Dr. Jacobs

Direct download: Deliverance.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:27pm EST

"There's an anointing for every yoke." - Dr. Jacobs

Direct download: TheHealingAnointing.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:26pm EST

Direct download: 022821PM_Dr.JacobsMtgII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

"Learn to appreciate what God puts in people that is divine." - Dr. Jacobs

Direct download: TheProphetProsperity.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

"What you don't value you're unable to receive from." 

Direct download: ValuingTheLocalChurch.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:48pm EST

"Everything God has called you to do in the body has an anointing attached to it." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 022121AM_TheSupernaturalChurch.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

"Use your prophecies like a weapon to fight against the enemy's plan."

Direct download: WhatToDoWithProphecies.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

"God has made us to be something and it's our job to become it."

Direct download: LearningToEarnestlyContend.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

"You're the one who determines the level of power in your life by how much attention you give the Word in thought and study."

Direct download: HowToSpeedUpYourManfiestation.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

"We might be out-numbered but we are never out-powered." - Pastor Nancy Dufresne

Direct download: 020721AM_EatingGiantsPastorNancy.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:33pm EST

"Every part matters. Without you, we are not complete."

Direct download: BeingASupplyToTheLocalChurch.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:48pm EST

"When you have the right people around you, it enhances your life."

Direct download: GuardingYourFellowship.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"Faith was intended to be used."

Direct download: SpecialMeetingII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:50pm EST

"Don't stop mid-miracle because nothing is happening." - Rev. Richard Roberts

Direct download: 012421AM_SPECIALMEETINGS1.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

"You can't be the church and be troubled."

Direct download: BeNotTroubled.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:17pm EST

"Preparation for Sunday begins on Saturday night" - Rev. Stephanie Hattabaugh

Direct download: BringingHonorToTheHouse.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

"I get in unity with God when I yield my life to His Word." 

Direct download: UnityInTheAtmosphere.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

"Where we are not in unity with God's Word, we limit the power of God from reaching that place." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 01102021.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:00pm EST





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