Direct download: 012923PM_TestimonyService.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:39pm EST

"The church is supposed to be making and changing history." - Dr. Terry Mize

Direct download: 012923_TheIronDidSwimII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

"There's a difference between reading the Word and having insight into the mysteries and secrets of what He is saying." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 012523WedPM_HowToKnowGod.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

"When you want to be free, there is no devil that can hold you." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 011823WedPM_Deliverance.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

"What you don't pray about, you don't invite God into." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 011523AM_PrayerARelationship.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:53pm EST

"A sound mind is a mind empowered by God's thoughts." - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 011123WedPM_TheConditonOfYourSoul.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:34pm EST

"Everything that is not done out of His presence is failure." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: Prayer-TheSourceOfPower_010823.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:29pm EST

"God holds the church responsible for the world's ignorance." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 010423WedPM_BeingAWatchman.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:35pm EST

"Our position in the last day is to be watchful." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 123122_2023_SatPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:55pm EST





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