"The fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives begins with how we value serving in the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 120824SunPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"There is an anointing for all of us to step into, that God will flow through, when we come prepared to serve in the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 120824SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"Prayer is more than a time of requests. It is a state of fellowship that we can remain in, with the Father, throughout the entire day." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FellowshippingInPrayer.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"Knowing how to pray starts with my fellowship with God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 12124SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

"Rejoicing is what keeps natural things from stealing your spiritual hunger." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: BuildingTheHabitOfRejoicing.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:21am EST

“Through prayer you take hold of things, but with praise you win battles." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: RespondingInPraise.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:10pm EST

“Your response to the word of God is an invitation to the moving of the Holy Spirit.” - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 111724SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

"When you focus on the Word you allow yourself to hear more clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: OurApproachToTheWord.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"Having a hearing heart is a heart that is obedient to the word of God no matter what it costs." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: HavingAHearingHeartPTII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:27am EST

"When you're built up in your relationship with God, you rise above your circumstances." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: LivingEdified.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

"The condition of your heart is determined by how you respond to the Word." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: HavingAHearingHeart.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:03pm EST

"Every seed planted needs time to grow." - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: UnderstandingTheFruitOfTheSpirit.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

"Love is a conquering force and it abides in you." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheCharacteristicsOfLove.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

"A Christian has outpouring love for others because it's a characteristic of God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheFruitOfTheSpiritLove.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 11:26am EST

"When the Holy Spirit is in control, the fruits of the Spirit will flourish." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheFruitsOfTheSpirit.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 2:18pm EST

“We live above life’s difficulties when we live full of the spirit.” - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: LettingTheSpiritLeadYou.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:57am EST

"Being led by the Spirit of God is to be led by the Word of God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: BeingLedByTheWordOfGod.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

"We can live a life of peace no matter what we're going through." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: PodcastBounce.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:57am EST

"Forgiving others and walking in the love of God is the path forward." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: LoveTheKeyToVictory.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"Appeasing your feelings will cost you. Following the Spirit will add to your life." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: BeingSkillfullyLed.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"One of the greatest characteristics of faith is the ability to outlast things." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: BeingStrongInFaithBroDustin.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

"Stop looking to be led through a place God never authored." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheHolyS.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:21pm EST

"If you want to be comforted, you're going to have to release the Word of God."- Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheHolySpiritOurComforter.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:45pm EST

"The Holy Spirit is called to aid you." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 090824_TheHolySpiritInTheLifeOfTheBeliever.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

"There’s no such thing as a silent faith." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheConsistencyOfFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

"There will never be a trial that I face that I don't have authority over." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 090124SunAM_WalkingInYourDominion.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

"Our authority is executed with words." - Bro. Dustin Flock 

Direct download: 082524_ProtectYourMind.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:49pm EST

"Heaven has your back if Heaven has your mouth." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 082124_ThoughtsWordsFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

"Every answer to mankind is a greater manifestation of God's life." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: AuthorityToManifestGodsPower.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

"Morals matter. They affect your faith." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 081424WedPM_FaithAndMoralExcellence.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:39pm EST

“Fear projects the worst possible outcome. Faith projects God’s promises fulfilled.” - Dr. Hattabaguh

Direct download: StandYourGround.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

“Spending time with God is what empowers your life.” - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 080724_WedPM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

"No Christian is strong following God from afar." - Pastor Angie

Direct download: Fellowship_With_God.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

"What words are you feeding your heart?" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 073124WedPM_HowYourWordsAffectYourFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"You can't argue with miracles." - Dr. Terry Mize

Direct download: The_Church_And_Notable_Miracles.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 11:13pm EST

"Don't blame God for what you have responsibility over." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 072824SunAM_TheUnseenWorld.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:12pm EST

"You have no anointing on your life to carry care." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 071724WedPm_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

"The authority of the believer is not a tool we grab, it is a life we live out of our relationship with God." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 071424_SunPM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

"You cannot walk in what you don't take time to develop." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 071424_SunAM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"You cannot press forward with your past tied to you." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: WhatItMeansToWalkByFaithII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:58pm EST

"One of the greatest spiritual blessings that has been restored to man is his authority." - Dr. Dennis Hattabaugh

Direct download: 070724SunAM_TheBelieversAuthority.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:06pm EST

"If you're going to walk by faith, there must be a continual shedding of the old man." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: WhatItMeansToWalkByFaith_Updated.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:57pm EST

"When a pastor won't preach the truth, it limits God from visiting the sheepfold." - Dr. Dennis Hattabaugh

Direct download: 062324SunAM_TheValueOfBeingPastoredPartIII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:29pm EST

"A consecrated life is a God-centered, Word-centered life" - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 061924_WednesdayPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:16pm EST

“Don’t get familiar with the local church. It’ll shut your ability down to learn.” - Dr. Hattabugh

Direct download: 061724_SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 11:42am EST

"Doubt can't get into your heart without your cooperation." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: DealingWithDoubt.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:09pm EST

"The job of the church is not make you happy, it's to make you holy and fit for the Master's use." - Dr. Dennis Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 060924SunAM_TheValueOfBeingPastored.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:27pm EST

"Have a routine that causes you to be full." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: 060224SunAM_StrongSpiritualHabits.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

"If it's an unfailing gospel, I can have an unfailing life." - Bro. Joshua Guzman

Direct download: 052924_WednesdayEvening_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:52pm EST

"We have to arise and speak to some things." - Pastor Angie Hattabaugh

Direct download: 052624SunAM_StandFightAndCOntendForYourFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

"One of the great protectants in the last days is the local church." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 052223WedPM_ThingsThatCauseUsToAbandonOurFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

"Give your past to God." - Dr. Richard Roberts

Direct download: PuttingOnABiggerCoat.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:41pm EST

"You can have a daily fresh experience with God." -Dr. Richard Roberts

Direct download: 051924SunAM_HealingForAll.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:02pm EST

"A Christian that stops feeding on the word is a prime target for the devil. " - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 051524WedPM_ThingsThatCauseUsToAbandonTheWord.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:57pm EST

"A mother's love is unconditional." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: A_Mothers_Love.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

"It's our responsibility to take the responsibility to hear the Word of God." - Bro. Joshua Guzman

Direct download: HearingAndDoing.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

"If I want to renew my mind, I'll have to wrap myself in the Word." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: 050524ARenewedMindARenewedMarriage.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:40pm EST

"I determine the strength of my faith." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 050124WedPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

"Encouragement doesn't stroke a man's ego, it ministers to his need." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 042624SunAM_Podcast.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"Never stop doing the fundamentals." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 042424WedPm_FaithToFaithII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:03pm EST

"God is with you in the trouble, God is with you always, God is with you in your need." - Pastor Chris

Direct download: 042124SunAM__IWillNeverLeaveYOu.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

"If you're believing, it should not be quiet around you." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 041724WedPM_FaithToFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

"Wives standing by the husband is a fulfillment to the Word." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 041424_SunAM_ResponsibilitiesOfTheWife.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

"It's not a lack of faith; It's a lack of standing." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: LearningToStandInFaith.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

"Angels always have a purpose." - Dr. Michael Jacobs

Direct download: AngelsAndDelieverance.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

"The key to manhood is responsibility under God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: The_Responsibilities_Of_a_Man.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:23pm EST

"We have angels protecting us." - Dr. Michael Jacobs

Direct download: 040323_WedPM_Master_copy.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:30pm EST

"Angels are a benefit to you." - Dr. Michael Jacobs

Direct download: AngelsHealing.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

"His resurrection became our resurrection." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 033124SunAM_TheBenefitsOfTheResurrection.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

"If you fail to hold fast to your confession of faith, you'll be overcome by the pressure you face." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 032724WedPM_FightingTheGoodFightPartIII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:58pm EST

"Something that's pure is honest and open." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: PurityInMarriage.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:15pm EST

"Agreement doesn't begin in marriage. It's supposed to be brought into marriage." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 031724SunAM_Podcast.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:00am EST

"What makes life difficult is trying to live at a level of intimacy that I have not developed." - Br. Joshua Guzman

Direct download: 031324WedPm_BroJoshFellowship.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:18pm EST

"The first step with being one is God being the center." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: 031024_SunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

"The richness of your life comes through your fellowship with God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: ProtectingYourFellowship.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

"When we know Him, we jump." - Pastor Nancy Dufresne

Direct download: 030524WedPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 11:12pm EST

"Faith is a daily flow." - Pastor Nancy Dufresne

Direct download: 030424_MondayPMPN_Podcast.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

"My care for My people is expensive." - Pastor Nancy Dufresne

Direct download: 030324_SUNPM_PODCAST.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

"Love planned more for us than disobedience offers us." - Pastor Nancy Dufresne

Direct download: 030324_PastorNancySunAM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 5:12pm EST

"Nothing we do for God will ever be easy, and nothing we finish for God will be without faith." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 022824WedPM_Master.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

"In every season of your life, it's your faith that brings you through." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: FightingTheGoodFight.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

"Correction causes you to bear more fruit." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 021824SunPM_RespondingToCorrection.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 8:48pm EST

"No Woman is intimidated if leadership is provided." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: Submission_In_Marriage.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:42pm EST

"Joy is not an emotion, it's a determined position." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: TheStrengthOfPraise.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

"A life submitted to God is visible." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 021124WedPM_ThePowerOfSubmissionPt.II.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:58pm EST

"You can live as full as you want to live, or you can live as empty as you want to live. Fullness has to do with what you put in." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: LivingFullPt4.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:14pm EST

"Submission does not begin in marriage." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 020424SunAM_ThePowerOFSubmission.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:14pm EST

"We live from the overflow of our hearts." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: Living_Full_Pt_3.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 2:08pm EST

"We fight by manifesting the Word of God." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 012824SunAM_FightingForTheFamily.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

"When you keep yourself full, it doesn't take long to get an answer." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: Being_Led_By_The_Spirit.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

"The Great Comission is to save souls." - Dr. Terry Mize

Direct download: MondayPM_DrTerryMize.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

"God wants our lives to be miraculous." - Dr. Terry Mize

Direct download: 012124SunPM_HowYoureCalledToLive.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

"Fear and faith can not operate in the same house." - Dr. Terry Mize

Direct download: 012123_HowToWin.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

"You have to live full to finish." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: Living_Full.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

"Saying one thing but living another fails to impart the right thing into your children." - Bro. Dustin Flock

Direct download: 011424SunAM_AFamilyRootedInTheWord.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

"If I'm not willing to say it, I'll never have it." - Bro. Josh

Direct download: 011024WedPM.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:24pm EST

"Early instruction leads to habitually following God." -Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: 010723_RaisingGodlyChildrenPartIII.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

"What comes out of my mouth is influence my life." - Dr. Hattabaugh

Direct download: RenewingTheMind.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

"Say no to more, less is better." - Dr. Hattabaugh 

Direct download: 2024_Draw_Nigh.mp3
Category:Religious -- posted at: 6:43pm EST





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